Posted April 29, 2015 under Blog

I used to reprimand my son, Joseph, a lot for saying the word "stupid" when he was much younger. At that time, witty Joseph would retort "some things really are stupid!" This is why I was a bit taken aback when I read this particular blog…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 28, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Imagine that it’s your high school reunion, and you’re about to enter the party. Who are the ones you naturally veer to? Those that you shared life experiences with. Do you remember the kinds of friends you had in school? Those…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 26, 2015 under Podcast


Sometimes, there's just no going around it: following Jesus comes with a high price. The reason for this is because there is a certain sacredness involved in putting Him above all else. Today I speak about the sacredness of being a disciple…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 23, 2015 under Blog

We have come to the end of our series on “The One Lesson That Changed My Marriage”. It’s been a long journey of twenty-one weeks. The Journey Continues As we end the series, let me remind you once again (for the last time) that marriage…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 21, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Have you heard of “ the ball and chain” used for punishment? In order to keep criminals from escaping, one ancient method was to attach a heavy iron ball to thick metal chains and latch it on a prisoner’s ankle. It didn’t…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 19, 2015 under Podcast


Lordship is simple. It's not about a lot of things, but about one thing: God. It just so happens that choosing God will inevitably affect everything. In this message, Jesus makes it clear as to what following God means—with no if's, and's…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 16, 2015 under Blog

This post ends our series on communication. We have seen that communication involves words, listening and action. But there is, however, the most powerful thing we need to be aware of when we communicate with others: the spirit. Have…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 14, 2015 under Video

CONVERSATIONS: Who shall separate us from the love of Christ? Shall trouble or hardship or persecution or famine or nakedness or danger or sword? As it is written: "For your sake we face death all day long; we are considered as sheep…  Continue reading...

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Posted April 12, 2015 under Podcast


Love is counterintuitive. It goes against what the world calls us to do. It goes against our natural instincts. It gets even harder when you are faced with an enemy. So, why bother with love? Jesus explains love like no other.  Continue reading...

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Posted April 7, 2015 under Video

REFLECT & RESPOND: “Everyone thinks they have the best dog, And none of them are wrong.” W.R. Purche I never could understand dog-lovers. I hated dogs. I couldn’t understand how someone could even want a furry, smelly, drooly, noisy…  Continue reading...

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