Posted March 31, 2014 under Video

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Posted March 30, 2014 under Podcast


Discover God’s heart for the marginalized in our series, “Who Cares.” The text in this message is Matthew 20:25-34,  a telling of the story of how Jesus allowed Himself to be interrupted while on His way to the most important moment of…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 25, 2014 under Blog

A glass half-empty, has always been frowned upon as a pessimistic view of life. Not necessarily. What is the glass anyway?It is our mind or our way of thinking. Even the Bible says, that it is our minds that will either cause us to be…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 24, 2014 under Video

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Posted March 23, 2014 under Podcast


The last in the four part series When Questions Are Answers. I am in Jakarta this weekend and Joseph (my son) preached. It was an awesome perspective on why God asks questions anyway. Joseph gives us a revelation on why and gives us the…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 18, 2014 under Blog

At 56 years old, I have had many embarrassing moments in my life. But one stands out, only because it was the most painful. I was eight years old, in a family reunion, when my granduncle (God bless his soul) embarrassingly proclaimed…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 17, 2014 under Video

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Posted March 16, 2014 under Podcast


The third in the four part series When Questions Are Answers. In this message I unpack the vital importance of the Lordship of Christ. Jesus tells his disciples, come to me, hear my words but more importantly, put it into practice.  Continue reading...

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Posted March 11, 2014 under Blog

The dictionary defines "passion- as a very strong or compelling emotion towards something or someone.- It also means the willingness to suffer for something or someone. Sometimes we lose our fire and passion, here is a short article to…  Continue reading...

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Posted March 9, 2014 under Podcast


Why are we always afraid? Jesus asks. This is second in a four part series on When Questions Are Answers. The account in Mark 4 of the disciples crossing the Sea of Galillee brings to life God's desire to bring us into a different venture…  Continue reading...

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